Bella forza!
Avremmo mai noi un gruppo cosi?
Forse un giorno…
ecco una testimonianza da una bella società norvegese che ci ringrazia!
Per chi dei nostri stà già pensando ai mondiali di Trondheim, può già contare su un appoggio certo nelle vicinanze!
Thank you very much for all your help when we visited Primiero for training.
That was a very great time for us! We lock forvard to be back next year!
I send you some pictures from last week-end. We had Norwegian Championship
(NM) in Tromsø. Our 4 runners that you met in Primiero, must have had good
help of the training by you. In long- and middle distance they won 2 gold,
1 bronze and 2 fourth places. But in the relay they made a sensation. The 3
boys started in the senior class, and took silver. The boys are 17, 17 and
19 years old. Ulf, the oldest one, had the last leg. He started 5th.
Anders Nordberg, Jon Duncan and the rest had no possibility to follow him.
Thanks for good training in Primiero!!
Best regards
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